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Full Stack/Front-end Engineer

Submitlocal , Bangalore · · Full-time employment · Programming

Submitlocal offers users to manage their online business listings, manage reviews & ratings, gives insights about their reputation online under a single dashboard.
We are currently a small knight team having experience of working with businesses worldwide.

We're looking for a Front End Engineer in our Bangalore office. You will design and develop new features. You will also provide leadership in building a Front-End toolkit to be used across all Submitlocal products. Our tech stack includes VueJS, React, Node, Express, MongoDB, and a services like DigitalOcean, S3 and much more.


- An ideal Front End Engineer would have minimum 1.5 years of experience in building highly scalable & responsive UI on the Web/Mobile
- 1+ years web development technologies including HTML5, JavaScript, CSS and general Web 2.0 techniques, VueJS ( working knowledge)
- Ability convert design mockups to prototypes, write production ready optimised code.
- Knowledge of UI layouts, SASS, bootstrap and the CSS GRID system
- Experience writing modular/reusable code and using modern JS frameworks like Vue / React, or other comparable frameworks or toolkits
- Experience working with Design and understanding of different frameworks.
- Great interpersonal & communication skills
- Must be comfortable using git

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